Daily Davar: ab

Daily Davar #0001: אָב ab (awb)

  • Transliteration: ab (awb)
  • Definition: father
  • Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
  • https://biblehub.com/hebrew/1.htm

Daily Davar #0001: אָב ab (awb)

The name אבי  (abi = 'my father') is located in the lower left corner of the Gezer Calendar and is potentially associated with the name of the scribe.

The Gezer Calendar

The Gezer calendar is a small limestone tablet discovered during archaeological excavations at Tel Gezer, an ancient city in Israel. It is considered one of the oldest known Hebrew inscriptions and provides valuable insights into the daily life and agricultural practices of the ancient Israelites. The calendar is dated to the 10th century BCE, during the time of King Solomon, and is written in a paleo-Hebrew script. It consists of two columns of text, with each column containing six lines. The tablet is divided into two sections, with the upper section listing the months of the year and the lower section providing agricultural activities associated with each month. 

The Gezer calendar follows a 12-month lunar calendar, with each month consisting of either 29 or 30 days. It marks various agricultural activities such as the planting and harvesting of crops, the tending of vineyards, and the collection of fruits. It also indicates religious and social events such as festivals and periods of rest. 


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